A sketch for a t-shirt which I´m gonna do mahself now, during the time I have to learn for me final exams :) Nah, it´s ok, I am learning already, so I can take also some extra time, to be a lil´ bit creative. I did this sketch yesterday, at 02:30 AM, maybe I drunk too much green tea :) Fo´ mo´ stuff from mahself, check me gallery
Also, my bigggest ristek-pah goes out to the band From autumn to ashes, they kick ass again with their new album Holding A Wolf By The Ears (the one before was not good enough for such excellent creators). Sometimes you think that things get often worse and Lo and behold, it got better now, its excellent. A great example of overcoming your own boundaries, propably their best album ever. Very intense, very passionate. Can´t get enough of it. Ch-ch-check it out!
Banzaaaiii! I have just seen the last episode of Samurai Champloo, man, what a good series and thank god its finished, no other season in sight, to let it rot and get worse (like in Prison break). Like this, I am satisfied and happy, Mugen is my favourite mofo. I recommend it to everyone who likes samurais, anime, hiphop, capoeira, cool heroes and really smashing jokes! All even better than in Cowboy Bebop, the forecoming succes of the creators. Check it out!